10+ years
of experience and over 4 000
happy event organizers sell tickets with Hoopla!
Hosting an event?
We got you!
Hoopla is super easy to use (even your nan can do it).
Here's how Hoopla works:
Step 1
Create your sales page
You tell us a little about your event. Then a clear and organized website is created from which you can sell tickets. No technical skills are required from you.
Step 2
Sell tickets
Link to your sales page from Facebook, newsletters or other channels. There, your guests can easily purchase tickets with a card, Vipps, Inoivce or installment via our user-friendly and mobile-optimized checkout. We send tickets and purchase documentation with a receipt to the buyer.
Step 3
Sit back and get paid
The money you earn from selling tickets will be paid out to your bank account after the event. If you need ongoing payments, contact us at support@hoopla.no. We provide clear accounting documentation that is automatically sent to you or your accountant.